Science Bastards

April 6, 2009

BMW Art Cars

Filed under: Cars,Good,Racing — admin @ 11:07 pm


March 22, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:58 am

No photos.

Why is it I am hating on Audi? It’s like hating Tony Hawk. He’s great but you still like Neil Blender better.

Peugeot being Neil Blender here.

March 16, 2009

P is for pooch.

Filed under: Phone Camera — admin @ 10:51 pm

Graduation Cat

Filed under: Cat Torture — admin @ 10:43 pm

Insert “Pomp & Circumstance” here.

I’ve gotta get a pair of cat handcuffs and I’ve gotta get ’em right away.

March 1, 2009

Flips circa 1993

Filed under: Phil Esbenshade,Photo,Ron Cameron — admin @ 10:58 pm

On two different occasions in 1993, Phil Esbenshade, Ron Cameron and I made a number of photos utilizing a jogging trampoline and a cheap foam couch.

Hilarity ensued.



January 16, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:28 pm

Hell for Leather put on an exhibition of some art and a few enchanting motorcyles tonight. Shots of the bikes are included here.


November 23, 2008

Nuts goes to college

Filed under: Nuts — admin @ 12:22 pm

As with the knife previously, I found this as-is. I sometimes worry that these people are actually in my classes, waiting to kill me.

November 18, 2008

American LeMans Series 07/12/08. Lime Rock Park, CT.

Filed under: Cars,Photo,Racing — sciencebastards @ 11:52 pm

I finally actually got around to making it up to Lime Rock Park in Connecticut for their annual round in the American LeMans Series.

I missed the race last year because of the Boadrum event which just had to fall on the exact same day.

Pictured above is a divine Porsche as it leaves the paddock.

I am only now getting this online as I am very busy and lazy simultaneously.

I planned to write a whole bunch of shit but it was not to be.

More photos and bullshit after the jump.


Cement and clouds

Filed under: Cement mixers,Clouds — admin @ 11:21 pm

November 4, 2008

Um, uh, um. uhhhhh…

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:24 pm

Nothing to say aside from me being speechlessly happy about government for the first time since I can remember. BIll Clinton winning in 1992 was nowhere near this level of beautiful.

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