Science Bastards

September 17, 2010

Jorge Lorenzo, Laguna etc, etc.

Filed under: Jorge Lorenzo,Moto GP,Photo,Racing — admin @ 12:37 pm

It wasn’t a great battle in the end but Jorge ruled it.

Laguna Seca 07/24/10.

Andrea Dovizioso, Laguna Seca, yes.

Filed under: Andrea Dovizioso,Moto GP,Photo — admin @ 12:31 pm

Andrea Dovizioso, FP2.

Laguna Seca, 07/24/10.

Ben Spies, Laguna Seca @.

Filed under: Ben Spies,Good,Moto GP,Photo — admin @ 12:19 pm

I will belatedly trickle some photos of Laguna out here.

Ben Spies being twisty, FP2.

Laguna Seca 07/24/10.

March 1, 2009

Flips circa 1993

Filed under: Phil Esbenshade,Photo,Ron Cameron — admin @ 10:58 pm

On two different occasions in 1993, Phil Esbenshade, Ron Cameron and I made a number of photos utilizing a jogging trampoline and a cheap foam couch.

Hilarity ensued.



November 18, 2008

American LeMans Series 07/12/08. Lime Rock Park, CT.

Filed under: Cars,Photo,Racing — sciencebastards @ 11:52 pm

I finally actually got around to making it up to Lime Rock Park in Connecticut for their annual round in the American LeMans Series.

I missed the race last year because of the Boadrum event which just had to fall on the exact same day.

Pictured above is a divine Porsche as it leaves the paddock.

I am only now getting this online as I am very busy and lazy simultaneously.

I planned to write a whole bunch of shit but it was not to be.

More photos and bullshit after the jump.


September 25, 2008

Jensen Interceptor(s)

Filed under: Cars,Good,Photo — admin @ 9:41 pm

Lucky me, a real live Jensen Interceptor in my neighborhood.


September 23, 2008

New Book Radio Silence

Filed under: Hardcore,Photo — admin @ 8:02 pm

A book called “Radio Silence” just came out. It was done by Nathan Nedorostek and Anthony Pappalardo. It covers all sorts of hardcore which has now become mythology. I might also add that it is a great antidote to the lunkheadedness of much of what has been written of hardcore over the years. It’s purty to look at as well.

Buy one, or more.

There are release parties and gallery celebrations in the works all over the place.

September 11, 2008


Filed under: Cutlery,Dog Food,Photo — sciencebastards @ 3:18 am

I didn’t set this up.

August 2, 2008


Filed under: Nissan GT-R,Photo — sciencebastards @ 6:44 pm

Some admittedly crappy photos but it marks my first ever glimpse of the new Nissan GT-R. Florida plates, but on a highway in Massachusetts.

I had to aim whilst driving and not looking into the the camera.

June 12, 2008

Filed under: Photo — sciencebastards @ 4:15 pm

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