Science Bastards

July 23, 2011

Jorge Lorenzo Highside @ Laguna Seca 07/23/11

Filed under: Jorge Lorenzo,Moto GP — admin @ 11:45 pm

Jorge Lorenzo having a pretty epic highside right in front of me on Saturday. I hate to glorify crashes in MotoGP but Jorge was ok. Really wish he had pulled out the win Sunday but just happy he didn’t break something, or a lot of things here.


  1. Truly awesome pics!!!

    Comment by Blacklight — July 24, 2011 @ 4:49 am

  2. […] some more of the action shot by jeff winterberg maker of the historical photo archive of the san diego music scene in the 90s rat-a-tat-tat […]

    Pingback by aftan goes to motogp « A is for Aftan — August 3, 2011 @ 11:19 am

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