Science Bastards

April 4, 2010

NY Auto Show 2010.

Filed under: Cars,Racing — admin @ 12:04 pm

Get out of the way, dammit!

The 2010 NY International Auto Show!


I doubt even the 1941 Auto Show (if there was one) could have been as morose as last year’s show. That said, this year could clear that low bar with little effort. It was cleared, but barely.

I am reminded that most Americans don’t deserve nice things as I saw throngs of corn syrup-addled children climbing all over the cars with little admonition from their corn syrup and hot dog-addled parents.

That’s why the pricey cars and the prototypes are behind little, symbolic fences.

The Honda CR-Z has been met with some skepticism by the car-journalists but I am crossing fingers it will actually be a fun car.

Acura (Honda) at least realize racing helps people mythologize cars. Most other manufacturers omitted their race cars, to their detriment. Or not. Who knows…

To wit: Soichiro Honda’s image should be on currency worldwide.

Electric car.

Mazda 2 looked good.

However, race credentials were somewhat negated by drum brakes.

Scion’s French bulldog wannabe.

Wagons are making a tentative comeback but I still curse S.U.V.s for their original demise.

Mini’s Max Mosley tribute. Har, har.

Future official car of the NYC douchebag.

Maxima’s have to get a couple years on them before becoming suitable for douche ownership.

Notice the teenager posing and kissing his GF like he already owns the car.

Infiniti meshugas that I will never be allowed to even sit inside of so my interest was limited.

Lotus Evora, I love how this is big for Lotus.

You couldn’t get near it but I can’t blame Lotus for calling it like that. Too many kids climbing all over the nice cars.

Fiat Cinquecento.

Holding my breath we might get the Abarth version.

Lexus LFA, Still not convinced that a $12,000/ month lease is in my best interest.

It has a great engine sound but I am still not %100 on board with the styling. It looks incoherent.

Mercedes breaks out the gull-wing doors again.

The guy next to me told his girlfriend: “Those ain’t even Lambo doors, they gull-wing.” He then authoritatively declared that the car “Ain’t no fun to drive anyway.”

So it’s officially a flop.

Race version.

Nearby person sez: “Ooooh, the Dahminatah!”

S.U.V.s were relegated to the basement as all manufacturers tried to hide their shame.

I leave you with a teenager fascinated by Audi headlights.

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